Club Fees
Mens and Ladies full season subs: £300 Pre-Pay or Pay As You Go £50 membership and £15 match fee.
50% discount for under 25s on pre-pay (i.e. £150 for the season to cover everything; membership, match fees, teas – Bargain!)
All memberships or pre-paid subs need to be paid by the end of September. It helps the club with admin if as many people as possible pre-pay and we don’t have to chase! Anyone that pre-pays but ends up being worse off as they didn’t play as many matches as expected, will be refunded the difference.
Registration and payment details for adults and ‘inbetweeners’ (12-25 yrs @ 31/8/22) can be found here.
Juniors (upto U12): £100 for the season (to Easter) to cover all training and matches and a t-shirt, includes social membership for one parent at £20. Contact for information, or register here.
Merton Kit
Kit can now be ordered from the on-line store. Please click on the link below. Please liaise with your team captain as regards shirt numbers when ordering a new shirt.
We’re also able to offer discounts to members on sticks, accessories and clothing with Dragon Hockey. Please get in touch with your captain for discount codes.
Any queries on fees, please contact: